About us

About SONGE Social Change

Social Change (SONGE) is a national Not for Profit (NPO) established in 2013 with footprints in five provinces which include Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Limpopo, Northern Cape and the Western Cape. Social Change’s strategic approach to community development is aligned with strategic development goals of key social needs cluster National Departments which include Basic Education, Health and Social Development. Social Change’s approach of aligning its work to like-minded government departments ensures that our development efforts contribute to achieving Vision 2030 of South Africa’s government.

Social Change believes in transformative development approach, and this is evident in the organisations ethos of ensuring that marginalised communities are prioritised, and that work is led by a team of professionals who not only relate with these communities but are from the communities. Social Change is feminist led. The communities we serve have shaped the work of the organisation over a decade, we have gained understanding of the unique development processes of communities we serve through facilitating theory of change for various projects implemented in these communities.

Social Change alignment with the Department of Health is ensuring the re-engineering of primary health care services is realised. Social Change contributes to this ambition of DOH through implementation of outreach work, improving access to health care services for key and vulnerable populations. Social Change balances advocacy for improved access to health care services by ensuring health gaps identified at grassroot level are elevated to relevant facilities and are addressed.

Our Purpose

We empower communities through engaging in protecting human rights, transformation in health, education, economy, youth development, women empowerment, and children’s systems towards the realisation of social justice.

Guided by Our Values

As an organisation, we are committed to innovation and continuous improvement, while ensuring everyone stays healthy every day. We encourage our staff members do the right thing — even when no one is seeing.

    Focused on Sustainability

  • We work with a sense of personal responsibility and genuine care for the people, communities and our strategic partners.
  • Respect

  • We encourage of staff members to respect and we listen to our people, our communities and our strategic partners.
  • Transparency & Trustworthy

  • We are creating positive economic and social benefits; partnering with our communities for effective sustainable development initiatives.
  • Integrity

  • We make sure that we deliver on our promises and commitments.